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Our system - your solution

your successful procurement – our goal
  Know-how, experience, reliability and customer focus are our basis for success-
  ful business relations. We offer solutions which are tailored to the needs of our
  customers all the way from product design to environment-friendly recycling.

your advantage – our strength
  Lean company organisation combined with our modular production process
  give us the opportunity to handle your projects with creativity, fl exibility and on

your product – our mission
  Competence, comprehensive approaches and professional accuracy are our
  cornerstones. Based on them our products are offered in the quality and safe-
  ty you require and with a good price-performance ratio.

your problem – our challenge
  We follow the latest technological trends within the complex world of ammuni-
  tion. At the same time we take into account the changing threat scenarios and
  are developing solutions for innovative products and processes for your future
  procurement projects.